You’ll be spending most of your time in your Discover Dashboard, take a look below to learn how to navigate it!

📥 Reviewing Your Matches

On your Discover Dashboard you will see a number of brand cards. Each of the cards that appear on your Discover Dashboard are brands that have worked with creators similar to you! What we’ve proven is that if a brand has successfully worked with a creator similar to you, they’ll want to work with you as well. We provide the correct brand contact information so you can reach out, start a relationship, and grow your brand as a creator. To learn more about each brand, click into their card!

Clicking into a card:

🔲 HOW TO: Queue — Automate Outreach with our Queue Function

Our queue function helps you automate outreach, making the process more efficient while maintaining a genuine connection with each brand.

To automate your brand outreach, click the black queue icon on each brand card (just to the left of the pitch button!) Once you click the button, it will change into a a blue checkmark, indicating you’ve successfully added that brand to your queue.

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You can select as many cards as you want at the same time. Once selected, go to the top right corner of the page and click on the “Queue” button (next to “Request a brand”!). All the brands you have selected to queue will be listed. From there, you can pitch to all of your brands at once. Pick the template you’d like to use and send! All of the correct brand names will be filled in with our fail-proof dynamic variables, so you don’t have to worry about any copy and paste errors.

Use the queue to pitch to multiple brands at once. As soon as you pitch these brands, they will move from your Discover Dashboard to your Dealflow, freeing up you Dashboard for new matches.

❤️ Company Wishlist — Request Brands You Haven’t Been Matched With

If there’s a brand you have seen other creators working with or one that you love in your own life, add it to the company wishlist by clicking on “Request a brand”! If it’s in our database, we’ll link it to your dashboard. If it’s not, we will go out and find the information for you.